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Increasing the Value of Your Investment

Make your business stand out with Smith Painting Industries — the trusted experts in commercial painting in San Antonio, TX and the surrounding areas. We specialize in delivering outstanding painting services, using low or zero VOCs green-friendly paints to ensure a sustainable and healthy environment. Whether it’s a high-traffic area or a multi-story building, our skilled staff are trained to work efficiently with minimal disruption to the operations of your business. For more than 40 years, we’ve revitalized properties in San Antonio, Boerne, and other communities in the South Texas area. Contact us today to schedule a free estimate and let us increase the value of your property with expert commercial painting services.

Commercial Health Building

We Specialize in Jobs Other Contractors Won’t Do

Is your property looking faded or outdated? Our team is trained and certified in using high-rise equipment such as boom lifts, swing stage platforms that are required to paint high-rise multi-level structures. Our commercial painting services include:

  • Exterior Pressure Washing
  • Exterior Painting
  • Stucco and Effis Work
  • Demo Work
  • Window Glazing
  • Professional Window Cleaning
  • Concrete Repairs

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today