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Increasing the Value of Your Investment

Add vibrant, high-quality finishes to your home with Smith Painting Industries’s residential painting in San Antonio, TX and surrounding areas. Since 1986, our family-owned business has proudly served San Antonio, Boerne, and other communities in the South Texas region. We bring decades of expertise and a personal touch to every project, treating your home with the care it deserves. Whether it’s an interior refresh or an exterior upgrade, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today and let us help bring your vision to life with reliable painting services.

Residential Home Porch

Choose an Experienced San Antonio Residential Painting Company That Works Around Your Schedule

Your home is your most valuable possession, which is why we go above and beyond to elevate its beauty, protect its surfaces, and improve its overall durability. From freshening up your interiors to restoring your exteriors, our wide range of services ensures every corner of your home reflects your style and looks its absolute best. Our residential painting services include:

  • Exterior Pressure Washing
  • Wood Repair and Replacement
  • Repair Sheetrock
  • Wallpaper Removal and Re-Texturing
  • Staining Hardwoods
  • Masonry Work

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today